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Iraqi group visits Northern Ireland and England

Периодическое издание:
A report is available of a visit to Northern Ireland and England by a group of six young professionals from Iraq in 2008.

A new report is available for download of a visit to Northern Ireland and England by a group of six young professionals from Iraq on a cultural exchange programme, 6 -19 September 2008, with a focus on leadership and community-building training.

They were invited by British-Arab Exchanges (BAX) in partnership with the Iraqi Kubba Foundation, with the support of IofC-Ireland and IofC-UK. The main purpose of the visit was to encourage trust and understanding between young Iraqis and their counterparts in the UK, to provide opportunities for the Iraqi delegates and their hosts to learn from each other’s experiences, challenges and cultural heritages and to develop strategies and skills to support the work of reconstruction in Iraq now and in the years ahead.

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