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Celebrating International Women’s Day in Oxford

Периодическое издание:
Creators of Peace in Oxford took a stall at the Festival to mark International Women's Day in Oxford on 8 March 2011.

Creators of Peace in Oxford took a stall at the Festival to mark International Women’s Day at the Town Hall in Oxford on 8 March 2011. The aim was to network with others working in similar areas, and present its project to the public.

Although the event was cosy, rather than huge, for the first attempt at such a public outing it was a thoroughly worthwhile experience. It was a good exercise in describing what we do, and expressing the hopes and expectations we have to others. It was encouraging to get so many warm responses, and a few ‘sign ups’ showing interest in future Peace Circles. It also gave us perspective as we found out about other stall holders, or passers by, and their interests.

We gave away free cakes (‘would you like a peace of cake?’) and benefitted as a result from free shoulder massages from the therapists a few stalls away!

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