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‘Migrants and Refugees as Re-Builders’

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A competence self-assessment framework with various tools has been launched for adult educators to assess their effectiveness

Enhancing competences of people working with migrants and refugees

A new competence self-assessment framework with various tools has been launched for adult educators to assess their effectiveness in enhancing the inclusion of migrants and refugees in communities across Europe.

It complements a curriculum for adult educators entitled ‘Migrants and Refugees as Re-Builders’ which is being carried out by a partnership of organisations from Sweden, Turkey, Spain and the UK, and co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ fund for education.

Rishabh Khanna, joint co-ordinator for the Swedish partner which led the co-design of the Competence Self-assessment framework, said: “It enables adult educators to reflect on their own capabilities and increase their sensitivity to the needs and rights of migrants and refugees. We also hope that it will help create a shared language for adult educators to support each other across disciplines and national borders.”

This competence self-assessment framework is the second outcome of the project and is being launched in Stockholm, Sweden in March 2018.  The third outcome is to develop a set of indicators for assessing the level of integration of migrants and refugees. This will be launched in Madrid, Spain in March 2019. All the outcomes will be finally compiled and shared at the learning festival in August, 2019.

The organisations the comprise the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership are  Kista Folkhögskola in Stockholm, Sweden; Progestión in Madrid, Spain; the Hasan Kalyoncu University in Gaziantep, Turkey and Initiatives of Change UK. These organisations are developing innovative responses to the needs of migrants and refugees in their various countries.

All project educational resources are open source and will be available in seven languages: English, Swedish, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Somali and Tigrinya. More information about the Erasmus+ project could be found at Initiatives of Change web page: www.uk.iofc.org/M-R-Rebuilders.  An overview video of the project is available online. 

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