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Caux meeting, 01 August 1956

Person(s) in this recording
Unknown One princess; Unknown Other princess; Frank Buchman; Bremer Hofmeyer ; Louis Byles; Unknown Unidentified Philippino man

Unknown One princess, Uganda, Give gift to Frank Buchman. Gives a leopard skin to Buchman; Unknown Other princess, Uganda, heard of Caux through her uncle. MRA a bridge that will lead us to heaven. Gift from Bunyoro; Frank Buchman, USA, thanking; Bremer Hofmeyer , South Africa, reads message from the Omokama of Bunyoro; Frank Buchman, USA, invites people to come and sit in front. Another country has a birthday. Introduces Louis Byles; Louis Byles, JAM, National day of Jamaica. Getting her independance; Frank Buchman, USA, Dean of the medical university from the Philippines; Unknown Unidentified Philippino man, PHL, taught change by people of Tokyo. Dr Buchman's visit to the Philippines was like a lamp that illuminated the darkness of our hearts. Gifts from Philippines. Napkins from pineapple leaves.

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Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full audio recording of this item on this website.