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Caux meeting, 06 July 1958

Person(s) in this recording
Choir; Archie Mackenzie; James Howarth; John McGovern

Choir, sing "What a time to be alive"; Archie Mackenzie, UK, Introduces the following; James Howarth, UK, National executive of the Labour party. President of one of trade union. The clash between communism and the Western nations is the crisis . Not a clash of ideologies; but between one ideology and a void. We in the west say we have religions; but we don't sacrifice for them; we don't live for them. Communists have an ideology; which is not communism. I read William Morris; true communism. Now it is naked bid for world power; Archie Mackenzie, UK, leading; John McGovern, UK, This Conf. Was Launched at Easter; John McGovern, UK, Continued. Sdy said: I spent the first part of my life making money and losing my health. Now in the second part; I use my money to regain my health. Adenauer said "now is the time to work for European unity; through MRA."; Archie Mackenzie, UK, was in Mackinac when the message from Adenauer was delivered; by someone who came specially. Was at Buchman's Birthday. At midnight Buchman said; I was dumbstruck by Adenauer's message. How can we respond to it. First step Washington and then Europe. Europe must unite; otherwise peace cannot be maintained.

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Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full audio recording of this item on this website.