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Frank Ledwith

British businessman, working in shipping insurance

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Frank Ledwith went straight from school at Christ’s Hospital into a very unusual business, the management of mutual insurance associations for ship-owners. These ‘clubs’ insure the liabilities which are not usually covered by Lloyd’s or insurance companies.

Their work is varied, colourful and highly international in flavour. Though without formal training, he progressed from office boy to being second senior of sixteen partners. Their firm became the biggest of its kind in the world. When he retired in 1972 it had two hundred times the turnover it had when he joined.

Quite early in his business life he met the ideas of Moral Re-Armament and he took part wholeheartedly in the work for over forty years and in many countries. He had strong convictions on the role of management in the modern world, and on the ideas which should govern industry commerce and the professions. He held several voluntary posts, and was an industrial consultant. He was the author of several books.

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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom