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Morris Martin

A classics scholar, educator and close collaborator of Frank Buchman

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Taken from Martin's book "Always a little further":

Morris Martin was born in London in 1910 to missionary parents. He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School and at Oxford University, where he took a First Class degree in Classics and in 1936 received his Ph.D. Through travels at home and abroad, including Nazi Germany, he learned first-hand just how perilous were the times and became aware of the urgent need for a new approach to human affairs.

Leaving academia, Martin linked up with the Oxford Group- later known as Moral Re-Armament-and served as executive assistant to its founder, Frank Buchman. For the next twenty years he took part in nation-changing initiatives on five continents.

ln the 1960s Martin returned to the teaching profession, first as academic dean of Mackinac College, then as director of education for Up With People, and finally as visiting professor at Princeton University.

Martin lives with his wife, Ora DeConcini Martin, in Tucson, Arizona, where he writes, lectures, and enjoys visits with their extended family and many friends.

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