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Greencoat Place

24 Greencoat Place is the headquarters of IofC in the UK.

Эта страница существует в:

24 Greencoat Place is the headquarters of IofC in the UK. Situated in the heart of London, in Victoria, it offers extensive meeting and office space, as well as some accommodation.

You can read more on the centre's special website.

Physical copies available in this location

В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 342 элементов
'In the darkness of our difficulties there are stars to guide us.’
A magazine published monthly or bi-monthly by MRA/IofC UK from 1989-2007
Первая "классика" об Оксфордской группе и Фрэнке Бакмане.
Breaking the chain of hate and the hold of history. Remarkable stories.
‘Many people seek a faith; many others would like to find more reality and effectiveness in the faith they have.'
Важное историческое исследование отношений Франка Бухмана с Германией и немцами.
Autobiography of rugby Springbok and church minister, George Daneel.
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Greencoat Place, London, UK
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Greencoat Place, London, UK