连接个人和全球 该页面存在于: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 筛选条件 标题 过滤 Content Type 事件 人物 出版物 剧院 地点 基本页面 导览行程 文章 活动 电影 谈话 采集 问题 音乐 显示所有类型 显示较少的类型 原始语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 页面语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 有附加媒体 附件档案 文本 嵌入式音频 音讯 嵌入式视频 视频 排序依据 排序方式 Completeness 升序Completeness 降序Random 升序Random 降序添加日期 升序添加日期 降序标题 升序标题 降序 Created with Lunacy 格子 Created with Lunacy 列表 总共 571 结果 文章 English English The park the bus-stand built 2004 Love is the drive that makes us take action for personal and social change. 文章 The park the bus-stand built English English 文章 意见 English English Caux 2004: Narrowing the Gaps 玛丽·莱恩 2004 The harrowing pictures of starving children may seem a million miles away from the peace and beauty of the Swiss mountains. 文章 意见 Caux 2004: Narrowing the Gaps 玛丽·莱恩 English English 文章 报告 English English The Door, the Hinge and the Handle 2004 A Mexican's experience of 'Service, Responsibility, and Leadership' at Caux, Switzerland. 文章 报告 The Door, the Hinge and the Handle English English 文章 English English Breaking the legacy of hatred 2004 Does hatred have to be passed on from one generation to the next? 文章 Breaking the legacy of hatred English English 文章 意见 English English No Soft Option Kenneth Noble 2004 A change of job gives you an opportunity to reflect on life - as does a New Year. 文章 意见 No Soft Option Kenneth Noble English English 文章 个人故事 English English The truth at any cost Paul Williams 2004 Phyllis Cameron-Johnson tells about paying a train fare, meeting Navajo visitors to her school and canoeing... 文章 个人故事 The truth at any cost Paul Williams English English 文章 感言 English English Start With Yourself 让·布朗 2005 Step One to Remaking the World 文章 感言 Start With Yourself 让·布朗 English English 文章 个人资料 English English That Bullet Was Meant for Me Bob Webb 2005 When refugees poured in to Albania during the war in Kosovo, they set Ela Kaloshi on the road to forgiving. 文章 个人资料 That Bullet Was Meant for Me Bob Webb English English 文章 意见 English English Peace Makers Must Walk the Talk 2005 When I'm not sure if my actions and thoughts are in integrity, I question whether they are coming from love or fear. 文章 意见 Peace Makers Must Walk the Talk English English 文章 计划 English English Break-Dancing for Opportunity 2005 Break-dance, hip-hop and disc-jockeying are core of an anti-poverty strategy. 文章 计划 Break-Dancing for Opportunity English English 文章 个人故事 English English An Exile's Choice 2005 Torabi (28) left Kabul in 1992, when he was 16, and fled with his whole family to Peshawar in Pakistan. 文章 个人故事 An Exile's Choice English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Vision for Africa 2005 It was clear to us all that if we want to see change in Africa we must begin with ourselves. 文章 新闻项目 Vision for Africa English English 文章 感言 English English Engage Others 让·布朗 2005 Step Two to Remaking the World 文章 感言 Engage Others 让·布朗 English English 文章 个人资料 English English Refugee With Lessons for the World's Teachers 斯坦哈泽尔 2005 A talk with Teame Mebrahtu - a refugee who has devoted his life to education. 文章 个人资料 Refugee With Lessons for the World's Teachers 斯坦哈泽尔 English English 文章 感言 English English Create Answers 让·布朗 2005 Step Three to Remaking the World 文章 感言 Create Answers 让·布朗 English English 文章 个人资料 English English A Lifetime of Sticking His Neck Out David Allen 2005 It took a shipwreck to turn John Graham into a giraffe. 文章 个人资料 A Lifetime of Sticking His Neck Out David Allen English English 文章 个人故事 English English Building Confidence in Sierra Leone 2005 Kadi Fakondo's job involves overseeing complaints from the public and building community relations. 文章 个人故事 Building Confidence in Sierra Leone English English 文章 意见 English English A Global Challenge 2005 We the peoples of the United Nations determined...to promote social progress,' begins the UN Charter. 文章 意见 A Global Challenge English English 文章 感言 English English Giving Hope to Humanity 让·布朗 2005 Step Four to Remaking the World 文章 感言 Giving Hope to Humanity 让·布朗 English English 文章 个人资料 English English Shining a Light of Hope Pamela Jenner 2005 Amidst the slums of Pune, an organization brings hope to the city's poorest inhabitants. 文章 个人资料 Shining a Light of Hope Pamela Jenner English English 查看更多(共571个)