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Veröffentlichung Buch Acteurs de changement en Amérique latine Daniel Dommel 2002 Französisch Französisch Artikel Rede English English Healing History, overcoming racism, seeking equity... 2013 A talk by Dr Omnia Marzouk, President of IofC International, in Caux, Switzerland. Angehängte Medien: PDF en Artikel Rede Angehängte Medien: PDF Healing History, overcoming racism, seeking equity... English English Artikel Rede English English Just Governance for Human Security 2013 A talk by Dr Omnia Marzouk, President of IofC International, in Caux, Switzerland. Angehängte Medien: PDF en Artikel Rede Angehängte Medien: PDF Just Governance for Human Security English English Veröffentlichung Buch English English Leading with Integrity Michael Schmidt 2019 Eight Cs of trust: contracts, covenants, competences, character, conscience, conviction, courage and change. Veröffentlichung Buch Leading with Integrity Michael Schmidt 2019 English English Artikel Profil English English Somali Peacebroker Michael Schmidt 1996 Yusuf Al-Azhari spent six years in solitary confinement as a political prisoner. Artikel Profil Somali Peacebroker Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Profil English English Leaven of the Business World Michael Schmidt 1996 Britain's Institute of Business Ethics, which marks its 10th anniversary in October, has put values onto the agenda in many boar Artikel Profil Leaven of the Business World Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Profil English English The Man They Couldn't Silence 1996 Jamaican trade union leader Eddie Bailey is not afraid to stand up for what he believes - although it nearly cost him his life. Artikel Profil The Man They Couldn't Silence English English Artikel Meinung English English A Call for Honest Conversation Dick Ruffin 1996 Richard Ruffin is a former Rhodes Scholar. Artikel Meinung A Call for Honest Conversation Dick Ruffin English English Artikel English English What Price Honesty? Michael Henderson 1997 Thinking about 'conscience'... Artikel What Price Honesty? Michael Henderson English English Artikel English English When Should the Media Stir up the Mud? Mike Brown 1997 An international media forum in Sydney discusses the media's freedom of press versus responsibility to society. Artikel When Should the Media Stir up the Mud? Mike Brown English English Artikel English English Can India's Reforms Help Her Poorest? Michael Schmidt 1997 As India celebrates 50 years of freedom, Michael Smith observes her economic reforms. Artikel Can India's Reforms Help Her Poorest? Michael Schmidt English English Artikel English English Brain Drain in Reverse Michael Schmidt 1997 Indian businessman Farhad Forbes packed his bags in California's Silicon Valley and returned to serve his own country. Artikel Brain Drain in Reverse Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Profil English English Freedom and the artist Peter Thwaites 1997 Ernst Neizvestney - carver of Khrushchev's tombstone and sculptor of two massive memorials to Stalin's victims. Artikel Profil Freedom and the artist Peter Thwaites English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Global Economy Needs Values, Says Top Trade Unioni... 1997 'The world desperately needs business leaders whose moral values leave an imprint on every dicision they make' says Bill Jordan Artikel Nachrichten Global Economy Needs Values, Says Top Trade Unioni... English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Call for Islands of Integrity in a Sea of Corrupti... 1997 Corruption is not so much the fruit of poverty and underdevelopment as the sustainer of these conditions. Artikel Nachrichten Call for Islands of Integrity in a Sea of Corrupti... English English Artikel English English The Security of Having Nothing to Lose 1997 Russian poet Irina Ratushinskaia spoke Caux on 'The life of faith'. Artikel The Security of Having Nothing to Lose English English Artikel Meinung English English Facing the Past Mary Lean 1998 Honest conversations about race, reconciliation and responsibility challenge us to confront our past. Artikel Meinung Facing the Past Mary Lean English English Artikel English English Stolen From Under the Quandong Tree Jean Brown 1998 At one week old, Avis was taken away from her mother by the Aboriginal Protection Board... Artikel Stolen From Under the Quandong Tree Jean Brown English English Artikel Profil English English Risk-Taker Par Excellence Michael Schmidt 1998 French businessman Jean Fayet has never jibbed at taking risks. Artikel Profil Risk-Taker Par Excellence Michael Schmidt English English Mehr anzeigen (von 250)