Sports Cette page existe en: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filtrer par Titre Filtres Content Type Article Collection Conférence Film Lieu Musique Numéro Page de base Personne Programme Publication Théâtre Voyage guidé Événement Afficher tous les types Afficher moins de types Langue originale English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk Afficher toutes les langues Afficher moins de langues Langue de la page English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Afficher toutes les langues Afficher moins de langues A un média attaché Pièce jointe Texte Audio intégré l'audio Vidéo intégrée Vidéo Trier par Trier par Completeness AscCompleteness DescRandom AscRandom DescDate ajoutée AscDate ajoutée DescTitre AscTitre DescCompleteness Asc Created with Lunacy Grille Created with Lunacy Lister 49 résultats Personne English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Bunny Austin 1906 Joueuse de tennis en finale de Wimbledon & ; activiste MRA Personne Bunny Austin 1906 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Personne English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Dickie Dodds 1919 Un anglais jouant au cricket et un travailleur de MRA Personne Dickie Dodds 1919 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Publication Livre English English The Flying Norseman Leif Hovelsen 1983 How a form of travel and communication became one of the most popular sports in the world. Média joint: PDF en Publication Livre Média joint: PDF The Flying Norseman Leif Hovelsen English English Publication Livre English Svenska English + 1 Fit for life Brian Boobbyer 1990 A collection of talks and articles given by Brian Boobbyer. Média joint: PDF en Publication Livre Média joint: PDF Fit for life Brian Boobbyer English Svenska English + 1 Article Nécrologie English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Henry Wilfrid "Bunny" Austin (1906-2000) Michael Smith 2000 En 1932, Austin est le premier Anglais depuis 23 ans à atteindre la finale de Wimbledon. Article Nécrologie Henry Wilfrid "Bunny" Austin (1906-2000) Michael Smith English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Article Nécrologie English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 T.C. "Dickie" Dodds (1919-2001) Peter Everington 2001 Dodds a ouvert la batte pour Essex de 1946 à sa retraite en 1959. Article Nécrologie T.C. "Dickie" Dodds (1919-2001) Peter Everington English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Article Nécrologie English English Doë Howard (1911-2007) Geoffrey Pugh 2016 Wimbledon tennis champion and wife of journalist and writer, Peter Howard. Article Nécrologie Doë Howard (1911-2007) Geoffrey Pugh English English Article Nécrologie English English Brian Boobbyer (1919-2011) 2011 Boobbyer was an outstanding all-round sportsman. Article Nécrologie Brian Boobbyer (1919-2011) English English Article Nécrologie English English Brian Boobbyer (1919-2011) 'One of his generation's finest all-round sportsmen'. Article Nécrologie Brian Boobbyer (1919-2011) English English Article Nécrologie English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Phyllis Konstam (1907-1976) Michael Smith 1976 Une excellente actrice au théâtre et au cinéma. Article Nécrologie Phyllis Konstam (1907-1976) Michael Smith English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Français + 11 Film Interview English English Chapter and Verse Conrad Hunte 1976 Conrad Hunte talks about his favourite verses Média attaché: vidéo en Film Interview Média attaché: vidéo Chapter and Verse Conrad Hunte 1976 English English Personne English Español Português English + 2 Betty Beazley Australian athlete and wife of Kim Beazley Personne Betty Beazley English Español Português English + 2 Article English English Two Faces of Australia Michael Henderson 1998 Australians are a robust and increasingly diverse people. Article Two Faces of Australia Michael Henderson English English Article Avis English English Up, up and Away! 1998 Dr Bertrand Piccard, now preparing for his third attempt to fly around the world in a balloon, is a psychiatrist in Lausanne. Article Avis Up, up and Away! English English Article Profil English English A Cricketer for the Oppressed 2000 Sir Conrad Hunte, the West Indian international cricketer, given a state funeral. Article Profil A Cricketer for the Oppressed English English Article Histoire personnelle English English Diabetes and the Turquoise Goddess 2004 The Italian mountaineer, Marco Peruffo, was eight he was diagnosed with diabetes. 'At 15, I caught the bug of rock climbing'. Article Histoire personnelle Diabetes and the Turquoise Goddess English English Article Réflexion English English Who Won the Tournament? John Lester 1987 For two days the coach wrestled with this and then went to the authorities... Article Réflexion Who Won the Tournament? John Lester English English Article Profil English English A Whole New Ball Game 1988 One of the two opening batsmen for the Masters in Barbados is Conrad Hunte Article Profil A Whole New Ball Game English English Article Avis English English Strive to Win? Bunny Austin 1989 In those happy far-off days sport, in Britain at least, was still sport. Good sportsmanship seemed to prevail at that time. Article Avis Strive to Win? Bunny Austin English English Article Réflexion, Texte du livre English English A Solitary Place Brian Boobbyer 1990 Christ's first recorded sermon expresses the same simplicity. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Repent and believe.' Article Réflexion, Texte du livre A Solitary Place Brian Boobbyer English English Voir plus (sur 49)