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Adeyinka Oyekan II

His Highness, the Oba of Lagos

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The Oba of Lagos, Adeyinka Oyekan Il, one of Nigeria's most important chiefs, spoke in Caux in 1969 on the last day of the conference. Our country, he said,

"has fallen into disorder because of dishonest, selfish and hateful men. I too have been self-centered and this has made me ineffective. To get out of the impasse, it is not enough to look for a political accommodation or an economic settlement. No solution will last if it is not based on faith in God." (Tribune de Caux - 1969 no. 19 (1969-09-26))

In MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 02, he made an appeal for Nigerian leaders to come to the Moral Re-Armament centre in Caux, Switzerland. His Highness, who is also President of the Lagos City Council and Chairman of the Oba's Council of Lagos State, was addressing this week the final session of the MRA World Assembly. The conference has been attended by 5,000 people from 78 countries.

'Our country,' he continued, 'has been brought into turmoil because people have been dishonest, self-centered and bate-filled. I too have been self-centered and that has. made me inactive.' He said it was not enough to seek a solution based only on economics and politics. 'A solution will only last if it is built on a faith in God.' The Oba and bis party, which includes his wife, Her Highness the Olori Dupe and two of his women chiefs, Chief Dr Mrs E A A woliyi and Chief Mrs T Ayo Manuwa, presented gifts to the Caux Foundation.lagos ruler urges Nigerian leaders to come to caux ' (MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 02, 1969-09-20)

