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An English Pilgrim in Northern Ireland 1977-1992

Were there English voices during the long conflict in Northern Ireland?

Were there voices from England during the long conflict in Northern Ireland? A new booklet, An English Pilgrim in Northern Ireland 1977-1992, tells the experience of Joan Tapsfield who was an assistant controller with a staff of 2,000 in the British Civil Service. Challenged to see if there might be a connection between her country England and the origins of the conflict in Northern Ireland, she went to live there after retirement.

In An English Pilgrim in Northern Ireland 1977-1992 she describes what she experienced and learned. “I have grown to love Ireland but the mainspring motive of my move there was a love of England. If my father, for whom I had great affection and respect, had died in debt, I should have wanted to repay that debt. I feel the same way about my country.”

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