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Caux meeting, 31 July 1954

Frank Buchman in chair. Nuclear scientists. French industrialists. Different subjects.
Person(s) in this recording

Aage Van Randen, Neths, how his relationship with Philips changed; Ton Philips, Neths, same but with van Randen; Morris Martin, USA, tells about Mrs Macaux, wife of French industrialist, giving their story in a meeting in Florence; Frank Buchman, USA, various, dialogue with audience. Morris Martin, USA, Talks about professor Moon, nuclear scientist, who worked on the bomb, but was now helping to develop nuclear energy for peaceful ends. Invited 50 of his colleagues to meet people from MRA and see one of the plays. Peter Howard , UK, various; Morris Martin, USA, talks about young French people; Jean Delaoutre, France, Sold a golden bar he had in his home. He then gave the money to MRA. Need a change in the heart of capitalists. Runs an industry with 1700 employees; Frank Buchman, USA, Introducing the Dutch students.

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L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de la FANW de publier l'enregistrement complet de l'audio de cet article sur ce site web.
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Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de la FANW de publier l'enregistrement complet de l'audio de cet article sur ce site web.