A documentary about the resistance to tyranny in the USSR through creativity. Based on a Nobel lecture by A. Solzhenitsyn
In 1970 Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. This film illustrates a lecture he wrote before his exile from the Soviet Union. The film features music by Shostakovich, footage from the Gulag, and fragments of newsreels of historical events. The film raises contemporary issues such as the differences in values in the modern world, the connection between lies and violence, shows the importance and power of art and literature, and emphasizes the role of the human person for the development of society.
Langue du film
Titre original
Année de sortie
Durée du film
Type de film
Société de production
Anglo-Nordic Productions Trust
Titulaire du droit d'auteur
Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de FANW de publier l'intégralité du contenu vidéo de ce film sur ce site web.