Interviews Deze pagina bestaat in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter op Titel Sprekers Filters Audiotaal English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Toon alle talen Toon minder talen Paginataal English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk Toon alle talen Toon minder talen Heeft audiobestand Ingebouwder audio Ja Tijdsperiode Minimaal Maximaal Sorteren op Sorteer op Datum toegevoegd AscDatum toegevoegd DescTitel AscTitel Desc Created with Lunacy Raster Created with Lunacy Lijst 39 resultaten Artikel Interview English English Interview with Margie and Michael Barrett 1979 An interview with MRA pioneers Artikel Interview Interview with Margie and Michael Barrett An interview with MRA pioneers English English Film Interview English English Art of Peacemaking 2019 Interview with Jens Wilhelmsen Attached media: Video Film Interview Attached media: Video Art of Peacemaking Interview with Jens Wilhelmsen Lezing Interview English English Dick Channer interviewed by the British War Museum R. Channer interviewed by British War museum Bijgevoegde media: Audio en Lezing Interview Bijgevoegde media: Audio Dick Channer interviewed by the British War Museum R. Channer interviewed by British War museum English English Film Interview English English As we want the world to live: Interview with four ... 1982 A special music presentation Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video As we want the world to live: Interview with four ... A special music presentation English English Lezing Interview Français Français Un entretien de 1980 avec Paul Tournier Paul Tournier, Daniel Mottu 1980 Un entretien de 1980 avec Paul Tournier Bijgevoegde media: Audio fr Lezing Interview Bijgevoegde media: Audio Un entretien de 1980 avec Paul Tournier Un entretien de 1980 avec Paul Tournier Français Français Lezing Interview English English The beginnings of Sitio St Luiz: an interview with... 2020 Elsa Vogel tells the beginnings of the Sitio Bijgevoegde media: Audio en Lezing Interview Bijgevoegde media: Audio The beginnings of Sitio St Luiz: an interview with... Elsa Vogel tells the beginnings of the Sitio English English Artikel Interview English English Seattle Encounters In June 2018, Rob and Susan Corcoran spent several days in Seattle, Washington, meeting friends from the MRA/IofC network. Artikel Interview Seattle Encounters In June 2018, Rob and Susan Corcoran spent several... English English Film Interview English English For A New World and AddWeb teams share reflections 2021 The two teams share their reflections Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video For A New World and AddWeb teams share reflections The two teams share their reflections English English Artikel Interview English English 1971 interview with William Nkomo by Ian Latimer 1971 Interview with South African medical doctor and one of those who founded the African National Congress Youth League. Artikel Interview 1971 interview with William Nkomo by Ian Latimer Interview with South African medical doctor and on... English English Film Interview English English Interview with Rob and Cheryl Wood 2020 Rob and Cheryl worked with IofC Australia Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video Interview with Rob and Cheryl Wood Rob and Cheryl worked with IofC Australia English English Film Interview English English Encounters with truth (Portuguese) Extensive interviews with Rajmohan Gandhi Attached media: Video pt-br Film Interview Attached media: Video Encounters with truth (Portuguese) Extensive interviews with Rajmohan Gandhi English English Film Interview Español Español Elsa Vogel - del sufrimiento a la reconciliación 2017 “Cuando el soldado llegó a nosotros, ya no había más balas” Attached media: Video es Film Interview Attached media: Video Elsa Vogel - del sufrimiento a la reconciliación “Cuando el soldado llegó a nosotros, ya no había m... Español Español Film Interview English English Interview with Gunnar & Sylvie Söderlund January 1... 2019 A background to the 'For A New World' project Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video Interview with Gunnar & Sylvie Söderlund January 1... A background to the 'For A New World' project English English Film Interview English English Interview with Jens J Wilhelmsen 2018 Jens J Wilhelmsen agrees to an interview Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video Interview with Jens J Wilhelmsen Jens J Wilhelmsen agrees to an interview English English Film Interview English English Jens J. Wilhelmsen speaks as part of Human Library 2016 He gives his thoughts on trust and migration. Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video Jens J. Wilhelmsen speaks as part of Human Library He gives his thoughts on trust and migration. English English Film Interview English English Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie speaks about Creators of ... 2016 Ahunna discusses 25years of Creators of Peace Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie speaks about Creators of ... Ahunna discusses 25years of Creators of Peace English English Film Interview English English As we Want the World to Live: Interview with Jim C... Australian, Jim Coulter Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video As we Want the World to Live: Interview with Jim C... Australian, Jim Coulter English English Film Interview English English As We Want the World to Be. Interview with Charis... Interview with Islamic scholar, Charis Waddy Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video As We Want the World to Be. Interview with Charis... Interview with Islamic scholar, Charis Waddy English English Film Interview English English As we want the world to live. Interview of Dr. Kim... Interview with Dr Kim Beazley Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video As we want the world to live. Interview of Dr. Kim... Interview with Dr Kim Beazley English English Film Interview English English Answer in the Pacific Youth from Japan visit Mackinac Attached media: Video en Film Interview Attached media: Video Answer in the Pacific Youth from Japan visit Mackinac English English Bekijk meer (van 39)