The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.
The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.
For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.
Physical copies available in this location
The tendency towards spiritual dictatorship, spiritual communism and movements in the political field, seems worthy of praise.
Commission finds the Oxford Group is "not a religious organisation or sect, but simply a sort of 'spiritual help one another.'"
Twenty-five international young people visit South Africa on invitation of Moral Re-Armament in SA.
Young men and women find renewal of life.
"What has happened here should happen in every family," said Dr. Buchman. "That is what will remake America," he concluded.
Administrator of Transvaal, South Africa, says, "Everything has to change. This is the hope for a new and better world."
Dr Nkomo speaks at Moral Rearmament conference in Lusaka.
Two thousand three hundred from 31 nations, including Germany and Japan attend assembly at international conference.
2,300 delegates from 31 countries attend assembly at Caux, Switzerland.
We must train incorruptible leadership.
Origin and prospects of the 'Oxford Group'.
The Oxford Groups recovered the method of personal evangalism.
Important, refreshing material from three experienced Scandinavian educationalists.
"We need God-inspired leadership and we will not rest until your message reaches the hearts of the yearning African millions."
Through the presentation of "Dictator's Slippers" one experiences a story of determination and disregard of artificial barriers.