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Gunnar Söderlund

Decided at the age of 16 to give all his time to the programme for moral and spiritual re-armament (MRA) on a voluntary, unpaid basis, trusting that friends, family and people he met would help with the everyday needs. Trained on the job as stage manager, and with his wife and others concerned with the arts, focused on creating events where people would get the benefits of theatre and music, as well a chance to talk face to face.

With others, he launched the concept of Renewal Arts.  

Sylvie and Gunnar Söderlund now run a farm near Stockholm airport, as well as a Bed and Breakfast. They pioneered the raising of certified, grass-fed beef in Sweden (Gräskött), and have a holistic approach to farming, forestry and life.

Gunnar has been appointed Publisher by the board of the Foundation for a new world.


Birth year
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Birth year
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