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Mohan Bhagwandas

Sri Lanka-born Australian businessman and IofC volunteer

Mohan was one of hundreds of post WWII twenty-year-olds across the world, whose imagination was captured by IofC’s (then MRA’s) vision to “build a new world” free of war and conflict.

In his first phase with IofC, he joined an international team trained by and worked in different conflict situations - in Northern Ireland, Quebec, North East India, Sri Lanka and Papua New Guinea.  

He then moved into a career in Information Technology working in an executive role, overseeing Business Strategy and Change Management.

From 2006 – 2012 he resumed work with IofC in the role of International Coordinator for business conferences at Caux, Switzerland.

He was elected on to the International Council and served in the role for six years (2012 – 2018), including as Vice President and Acting President. In 2020 he was appointed by the IC to Chair an international ‘Program Steering Group’ that oversees IofC trust building programs initiated in 2019, in multiple countries.  He was born in Sri Lanka and now lives in Melbourne, Australia.

Primary country of residence
Primary country of residence