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Como uma rolha fora de uma garrafa

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"Este é um livro para refrescar a mente e o espírito".

Palestras e reflexões de Brian Boobbyer. Ele foi um dos esportistas de maior destaque de sua geração. Esta coleção de peças curtas reflete sua fé, seu amor pela natureza e pela literatura e sua paixão pelo esporte.

Além de poder baixar os textos completos, todos os capítulos individuais estão disponíveis nas páginas da web abaixo.

There is a simplicity about the spiritual road in life which we can recapture each day.
'We are the clay, and Thou our potter, and we are all the work of Thy hand.'
Bunny Austin loved the Lord, and the world was his court.
'Charming people without the Cross only draw people to themselves.'
God's will crosses my will, and I choose God's will. That is the Cross.
There is so much treasure to draw on 'to convert the imagination'.
The way we live decides what we see.
Read St Mark's Gospel right through and it could be the beginning of a love affair that lasts a lifetime.
'The test of greatness is what a man leaves to grow,' wrote H G Wells.
I have a sense that God is operating at all levels of friendship.
It is important to feed that imagination with great writing and great lives.
The message of nature is newness. Every tree is different. Every leaf, every second of a sunrise.
Columba did not shrink or turn back.
'Fruits of purity: energy, compassion, courage, a sense of wonder, selflessness, stamina, depth, power to help others....'
Jesus spent 90 per cent of his life at home. He believed in families. Any person, any marriage, any relationship can be reborn.
'It's like seeing an old picture after it's been cleaned.'
'This one thing I do - I leave the past behind and reach out to what lies before,' said Paul.
To anyone intending to lead a new life I would say, 'Start thoroughly; take a running jump.'
'I decided to give the first hour of the day to the Lord, seek His mind, read the Scriptures, write down my thoughts.'
A happy and sporting life somehow protected me from the darkness on the world scene.
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Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish this text on this website.