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Беседы и размышления Брайана Буббера. Он был одним из выдающихся спортсменов своего поколения. Этот сборник коротких произведений отражает его веру, любовь к природе и литературе, а также страсть к спорту.

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'It's like seeing an old picture after it's been cleaned.'
The English are good at the 'letter'. The Welsh, Scots and Irish at the 'spirit'.
Read St Mark's Gospel right through and it could be the beginning of a love affair that lasts a lifetime.
'A marriage that is a real union is always a miracle,' Paul Tournier, Swiss psychologist and writer.
Winston Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940 at the age of 66, having entered public life at the turn of the century.
Jesus spent 90 per cent of his life at home. He believed in families. Any person, any marriage, any relationship can be reborn.
'We are the clay, and Thou our potter, and we are all the work of Thy hand.'
The way we live decides what we see.
'To love is to bring one's whole life under discipline,' wrote South African, Alan Paton.
A common fallacy abroad today is that you cannot express strong moral and spiritual truth.
'Fruits of purity: energy, compassion, courage, a sense of wonder, selflessness, stamina, depth, power to help others....'
There is so much treasure to draw on 'to convert the imagination'.
A reflection by Brian Boobbyer
The message of nature is newness. Every tree is different. Every leaf, every second of a sunrise.
'Happy are they that hear their distractions, And can put them to mending.'
Columba did not shrink or turn back.
God's will crosses my will, and I choose God's will. That is the Cross.
Helping people requires the lightest of touches.
'I was very afraid of the dark, and playing cricket under the bedclothes at night was a great comfort!'
Success is a natural instinct.


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Publishing permission
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish this text on this website.