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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 960 элементов
"When black and white can learn to know God's voice, that is real democracy."
One of the main morale raisers was escaping.
Is Moral Re-Armament politics or religion?
"I see the answer to the divisions in our labour movement," says Peter Vianello of South African Trades and Labour Council.
'Change, unite and fight to put the Christian heart back into democracy.'
Addresses by Rajmohan Gandhi.
It is an amazing book. It will infuriate some people with its confident dogmatism.
'This is a book about sinners, for sinners, by quite a big sinner.'
This book will set all Britain talking.
Jean Hood, from Scotland, Rev C. Scoville Wishard from New Jersey, USA., and Mary Richard of Cairo, Egypt.
On the eve of the historic Rhodesian election for majority rule, Ian Smith and Robert Mugabe met.
This play is a democratic weapon in the war of ideologies.
National Socialism has been defeated - only Christian ideology for democracy can give sure foundation.
An Address by His Grace Dr. Bernardus Kaelin.
Доклад, сделанный в Ко в 1998 году
Первая большая биография Фрэнка Бакмана, американского лютеранского священника, который положил начало MRA.
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