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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please (link sends email)email Pieter and .

Physical copies available in this location

В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 998 элементов
In his latest play, 'Mr Brown Comes Down The Hill', Peter Howard embodies the Establishment in the persons of three Bishops.
A journey of discovery into the past, present and future.
Shirley Gordon has one ambition in life, "to be an instrument to improve race relations in South Africa."
Dr Frank Buchman recalls long friendship with Mahatma Gandhi.
Industrial conference report from Caux, Switzerland, August 30 - September 7, 1975
Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe) could be a key to the future of the whole African continent.
Report of Industrial conference in Caux, Switzerland, 31 August - 5 September, 1977
Conference for all races would do much to remove fear and misunderstanding in South Africa, says Moral Rearmament workers.
Dr William Nkomo, medical doctor, political activist and founding chairman of the African National Congress Youth League.
"I had my first taste of settling labour disputes in the general transport strike in 1926," said Major Stephen Foot.
Forgotten Factor tours South Africa
Dr Frank Buchman, initiator of Moral Re-Armament, invited to visit South Africa.
Irene Prestwich wrote this Memoir at the age of 87. The story of the UK MRA centre.
Delegates from the North and South of Ireland spoke from same conference platform
'Those who have been touched by the movement do all they can to bring solutions,' said William (Bill) Jaeger.
It costs nothing to point out what is wrong, but to generate the cure there is a price to pay.
Opening address by Peter Howard at the Moral Re-Armament International in London.
71 Japanese - said to be the largest and most representative group to leave Japan since WWII, visit Britain.
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