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Статья Новостной сюжет Launch of the Arabic Version of the Documentary Fi... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Faith Leaders Join Forces to Launch New Book on Fo... 2009 A rabbi, an imam and the director of the Christian Muslim Forum of Britain spoke at the launch of a new book about forgiveness. Статья Новостной сюжет Faith Leaders Join Forces to Launch New Book on Fo... English English Статья Новостной сюжет, Отчет English English Launch of new book by Michael Henderson illustrati... 2010 The Times' website, under its faith section, reported the launch of Michael Henderson's book No Enemy to Conquer in March 2010. Статья Новостной сюжет, Отчет Launch of new book by Michael Henderson illustrati... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Can non-violence break out in the Middle East? Раджмохан Ганди 2010 'The Soviet Union crumbled, apartheid in South Africa crumbled. So too will crumble the occupation of Palestine.' Статья Новостной сюжет Can non-violence break out in the Middle East? Раджмохан Ганди English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English An English Pilgrim in Northern Ireland 1977-1992 2010 Were there English voices during the long conflict in Northern Ireland? Статья Новостной сюжет An English Pilgrim in Northern Ireland 1977-1992 English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Imam and Pastor on Radio 4 in UK 2010 Pastor James Wuye and Imam Muhammad Ashafa, who feature in The Imam and the Pastor, spoke on the Sunday programme on Radio 4. Статья Новостной сюжет Imam and Pastor on Radio 4 in UK English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Imam tells Amsterdam audience that 'integration is... 2010 On 12 November 2010 a diverse audience gathered for an ‘honest conversation’ on Islam in Europe with British imam Ajmal Masroor Статья Новостной сюжет Imam tells Amsterdam audience that 'integration is... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English An African Answer: ‘taking forward the work of pea... 2011 Back in London after a three-month visit to Kenya, Dr Alan Channer presents the movie An African Answer. Статья Новостной сюжет An African Answer: ‘taking forward the work of pea... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Celebrating International Women’s Day in Oxford 2011 Creators of Peace in Oxford took a stall at the Festival to mark International Women's Day in Oxford on 8 March 2011. Статья Новостной сюжет Celebrating International Women’s Day in Oxford English English Статья Новостной сюжет, PR material English English Christian Cross yearbook publishes full page artic... 2011 The Christian Cross Yearbook 2011, a 76-page magazine published in the UK, carried an article about the new film Статья Новостной сюжет, PR material Christian Cross yearbook publishes full page artic... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English An African Answer screened in Keswick, Cumbria 2011 The documentary film An African Answer was screened on 18 May 2011 at the Crosthwaite Parish Room in Keswick, Cumbria. Статья Новостной сюжет An African Answer screened in Keswick, Cumbria English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Community unity at eighth annual event in inner ci... Ричард Хоторн 2011 The Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Councillor Michael Wildgust, called a multiracial gathering to a time of quiet reflection Статья Новостной сюжет Community unity at eighth annual event in inner ci... Ричард Хоторн English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Introducing Creators of Peace in Bradford 2011 'Why are Creators of Peace Circles not yet introduced in Bradford?' Dutch MA student Willemijn Lambert asked herself. Статья Новостной сюжет Introducing Creators of Peace in Bradford English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Building community unity in inner city Nottingham 2011 When street violence took place in Nottingham, community leader Maxine Cockett reached out to restore trust. Статья Новостной сюжет Building community unity in inner city Nottingham English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Creators of Peace – Joining up the circles 2011 Creators of Peace joined in the International Day of Peace on 24 September 2011, at the London centre of Initiatives of Change. Статья Новостной сюжет Creators of Peace – Joining up the circles English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Confidence, communication key elements at Horn of ... 2011 Heads of NGO, community leaders, a senior diplomat and student leaders from the Horn of Africa join in UK training programme Статья Новостной сюжет Confidence, communication key elements at Horn of ... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Creators of Peace joined International Women’s Day... 2012 Creators of Peace teams went to meet other women and discover their concerns at events to mark International Women's Day Статья Новостной сюжет Creators of Peace joined International Women’s Day... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Connecting Creators of Peace Circles Су Ридделл 2012 There are on average eight to ten participants in a Peace Circle, which is normally a series of six or seven meetings. Статья Новостной сюжет Connecting Creators of Peace Circles Су Ридделл English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Women in London finding peace 2012 Ten women gathered at 24 Greencoat Place, the IofC centre in London, in July 2012 to experience their first Peace Circle. Статья Новостной сюжет Women in London finding peace English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Finding one’s peace potential 2013 The beautiful island of Barbados has Sun, Sea and Sand - but even in 'paradise’ women and girls need to find inner peace. Статья Новостной сюжет Finding one’s peace potential English English Просмотреть больше (из 438)