The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.
The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.
For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.
Physical copies available in this location
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Alec Smith, son of the former Rhodesian Prime Minister and freedom fighter, Rev Arthur Kanondereka make a historic visit to SA.
Look to the day when colour conscious become colour blind.
West Indian cricketer, Conrad Hunte said, "It is my opinion that sportsmen should be allowed to play against each other."
Africa will speak to the world, not with a red voice or a yellow voice, but with the voice of unity and humanity.
'I liked to go in when the fun was on and not wait around,' said West Indies cricketer, Conrad Hunte about his cricketing career
An immense amount of energy and sound talent combines to produce a show, which, of its kind, must be unique.
An answer to bitterness, division, corruption and Communism.
Claims of the Oxford Group Movement.
Address to Rotarians by Emissary of Moral Re-Armament.
Rev G. Molefe, Moderator of Presbyterian Church said at conference, "Africa is meant to be the continent that gives the answer."
A real tonic.
"Our main objective is to give democracy a Christian ideology - an answer to the materialist ideologies," said Hofmeyr.
It is hard to see how fault can be found either with the method or spirit of their study or manner of reporting their findings.
'If I met Mahatma today, I would be happy to tell him that as he obeyed his conscience, I also obeyed mine.'