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Jean-Marc Duckert (1951-1998)

The slopes around the wooden chalet in the mountain village of Caux where he was born and brought up naturally shaped Jean-Marc. He became a skilled skier, even teaching skiing during his teenage years. The modest slopes and ski-lifts of Caux were a natural place to meet visiting young ladies during the season!

Quiet months could be rather dull so when the time came for the opening of big international youth-conferences at the Caux Conference centre in the 60s he was all set! His drum set took over much of the platform in the meeting hall, and he could share his passion for drumming!

From rebel to leader

Like many young people in the late 60s he was drawn to be part of a force in the world to change and remake destructive and oppressive powers. The movement of Moral Re-Armament, based in his own village, became his natural orbit. And soon his rebellious spirit was transformed into creative leadership. New ways of running the youth conferences were a result of his bold and imaginative initiatives. His creativity also led to training programmes of different kinds for young adults – the ‘Ten Month Programme’ which repeated for five years;  the touring group "Time to Choose", the Nordic rock review "Hvem Narras" – and other initiatives he took with others.

Soon the structures of MRA, as well as the spirit of the movement, came under the attention of his creative approaches.

Graphic designer - designer for life

He also trained professionally as a graphic artist and designed many book and record covers during his first ten years or so with MRA. But the awareness that a divine design exists for each person’s life as well as for the world intrigued him more and more.  The knowledge that none of this is static or predictable but always new, original, unexpected and evolving became the basis of his creativity. His talent as a listener, both to the individual and to the underlying sufferings of the world, became his primary art. After many years of this refined "listening" his now-widowed wife was struck by the big and gradual change in his own personality. A rather ambitious and sometimes big-headed young man transformed into such a humble architect of openings for people’s spiritual thirst and even for the cries of our societies. This led him in his last years of life often to suggest a third liberating way when opposing ideas ended up in deadlock. He used less words, but so much to the point.

Eternal pioneer

The Association 'Attente' in France which he initiated with others welcome vulnerable people from the street or other difficult situations. A "lieu de vie" was created at a former farm south of Paris. Here individuals could start a new life with accommodation, a chance to earn their living, fellowship and spiritual nourishment. Jean-Marc’s 25 years of full-time work with MRA had given a passion to make available to those at the bottom of society the experience that personal change can lead to a new world.

He was an eternal pioneer. As soon as any new idea had taken practical and concrete form he was on to the next one. So also with the big and stressful creation of Attente.  (Attente continued its work for 25 years until 2016 through a hardworking and dedicated team!) But Jean-Marc was only central during its first seven years of heavy work with a big team, and he was already moving on in his mind and heart to his next creation! Little did he or anyone imagine that his next move in life was into Eternity. He was so full of desire to continue creating, continue teamwork, continue the worldwide fellowship that he had grown to appreciate increasingly again - but his next step was to leave this world! He died of cancer at the age of 47 at the height of what he wanted to do with his life!  Surely he has not stopped!

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